
Thierry PALIN-LUC is Full Professor of mechanics and mechanical Engineering at Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Bordeaux campus, since 2008 and Deputy Director of the Institute of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (I2M), Bordeaux (France) since January 2017. He is member of the Fatigue group of the French Society for Materials and Metallurgy (SFM) and member of the editorial board of both “International Journal of Fatigue” and “Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures” and associate editor of “Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale”. His research fields are: (i) multiaxial fatigue of materials and structures under constant and variable amplitude loadings; (ii) nonlocal approaches including probabilistic methods to predict the effects of gradients (stress and materials properties) on the fatigue strength and fatigue life of structures; (iii) relation between the manufacturing process and the fatigue strength and life of metallic components. All these researches are carried out in High Cycle Fatigue and in Very High Cycle regime. He has been leader or co-leader of several research projects. The main results of his work concern non local high cycle multiaxial fatigue criteria and fatigue life calculation methods for metals and a significant contribution to the development of multiaxial fatigue testing machines at conventional and ultrasonic frequencies. This allows him to investigate the frequency effect and the self heating on the crack growth in metals. He has been supervisor or co-supervisor of 18 PhD students and co-guest editor of 5 special issues of international journals, the author or coauthor of 40 international papers, 1 patent, 2 chapters of books, more than 70 lectures in international conferences, and he has presented 16 invited lectures in keynote or plenary sessions.




Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Bordeaux Campus, France

Institute of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (I2M)



+33 5 56 84 53 60

